About us

Our aim is to provide a loving, caring environment that will nurture your child’s growth and development spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically.

Our Ethos
Only the BEst

We Know How to Make Learning Fun For Kids

Located in the village of Eversley, Autumn Cottage Childcare has been successfully running since 2008, offering childcare from birth to 12 years.

We run a breakfast club at Charles Kingsley School, and provide after school care too. Creating a range of flexible opening hours and session times to parents and children alike.

Our ethos

Our ethos is to provide high quality, safe and inclusive childcare that has regard for the themes and commitments of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. We have a commitment to building positive relationships while working in partnership with parents/carers. Our expectation is that we will provide an enabling environment, both inside and out, that offers a wide variety of experiences and activities that will help all children to develop to their full potential during their time with us. In order to help us monitor the success of these experiences and activities, and their part in child development, we observe the children ‘at play’ and use these observations to help us make informed decisions in our planning to cater for the individual needs of the children as we very much view each child as unique.

In order to ensure the children’s learning and development needs are met, we plan using the principles of The Early Years Foundation Stage and ensure that all planning is flexible and allows for spontaneity and for the ideas of the children to be explored as these are paramount in their continued all round development.

Parents can access their child’s development at any time using our secure online EY Parent system. Autumn Cottage Childcare offers full-time, part-time & flexible wrap around care and for older children there is the convenience of school drop off, pick-ups and stimulating holiday cover.

– Laurna & Ali

Opening Times

7.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday


We offer funded Early Years Education for all children aged 3 and four years old, from the term following their 3rd Birthday.

We also offer funding for 2-year olds who meet the Local Authorities criteria.


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Get In Touch

Location: Eversley Village Hall, Glaston Hill Road, Eversley, Hampshire, RG27 0LX

Telephone: 0118 380 1671

Hours: M-F: 7.30am 5.30pm